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We get millions of visitors from all over Australia and the world every year to our site which is the oldest Australian Travel Site on the web, first set up in 1992.

Because of this we rank highly on Google and other search engines. People looking for a map will find us on the front page of Google in most cases. Try a Google search for a map. e.g. Glenelg Map, We appear at number 1. Bathurst Map - Our ARTA site appears at number 3, Hobart Map, Our WilmapAustralia site appears at around number 8 on the front page.
Try this with any major town in Australia - Just type the town name with 'map' and we are usually there.

Because our site contains information and maps on every place in Australia visitors search for a broad range of information, visiting all our pages at some time.
For this reason you can place a link on the page most suited to you and be sure you are found by people interested in your area and business.
To ensure you get value for money we have set our rates at an affordable range.....
  • A simple link to your own website. $30.00 per month
    We can place a link on any line, on any page, to send visitors directly to your own website. We can add the line, or we can link you from our accommodation, car rental, or other search results.
    For example someone searching for information or a map of say, Horsham or Bathurst will find a link directly from it to your website. If they are searching for accommodation we can link to that.

  • Option 1. A 4 line listing, underneath your town or suburb information with your basic details, with a map and photo for just $60.00 a month. Keywords and a link are also placed into the Site Search data from the front page and search pages so you will be found easily.
Other options are also available. Click the button below to book an ad or for enquiries about these.

&ccopy; Copyright Wilkins Tourist Maps Pty Ltd