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Exploring the Adelaide Hills.

Glen Osmond Rd, Portrush Rd and Cross Rd all meet at the beginning of the South Eastern Freeway which leads to the Adelaide Hills touring area.
The road climbs to the top of the ranges and a little way up the hill, before the Heysen Tunnel, is the turn-off to Eagle on the Hill along the old Mt Barker Rd, the main road into Adelaide before the freeway opened. The views from this road are wonderful, especiallty at night, and the small detour is well worth while.
At the top of the freeway is the turn-off to the Mt Lofty lookout and kiosk, and the Cleland Wildflife Park. Visit these attractions and return to the main freeway and detour into Stirling and Aldgate to the south of the road, then Bridgewater where you can rejoin the road.
Continue on to the Hahndorf turn-off and leave the freeway turning sharp left at the first intersection and pass through Verdun, Woodside, Oakbank and on to Gumeracha, Lobethal and Birdwood. A list of the many attractions along the way will be found opposite under attractions.
Return to Nairne from Woodside along the Woodside - Nairne Rd. and cross the freeway for a visit to Mt Barker. Cross the Freeway again to Hahndorf and explore this historic German town which was the home of artist Hans Heysen.
Your round trip should take a full day and give you a wonderful insight into the character and diversity of this wonderful touring area in Adelaide's immediate hinterland.

Wilkins Tourist Maps produce a map in this area. You can pick up an Adelaide Hills map from accommodation houses and some information centres in towns in this area or download a PDF file with touring details from the Download page.

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