Walpole Nornalup National Park   WA  6396
Population: N/A,  
Area: 19,500 Ha
Latitude: -34.5900 Longitude: 116.4000
Location:   440km south of Perth
Highway: South Coast Hwy 
Nearest Major Town: Albany
Nearest Airport: Albany
Touring Area: South West
Giant Tingle and Karri trees are the main feature of this popular park. These can be best viewed with a walk on a suspension bridge 40 metres above the forest floor at the Valley of the Giants. On the ground, the 'Ancient Empire' is a forest walk beneath the canopy where you can see the massive size of this forest area. Disabled access for wheelchairs is also available.
The park also extends to the coast and has a variety of habitats from heathlands, paperbark clusters and flowering gums to beach access at Conspicuous Beach.

© Copyright Peter W. Wilkins